To the anonymous who left a comment on my last post, my sincere apology for providing you with a broken link. Here's the right one:
I wish I'd taken more effort in finding locations for my outfit shots. I always settle for anything in front of me. If I'm at the carpark, I'll take my shots there. If I'm walking towards the interchange, I'll take some shots en route. If there's a pram at the bus stop behind me, I wouldn't bother shifting to a better location. As a result, I end up hating all the photos, like I do here. Having said that, I actually really like the first self-timed shot I took at the little space outside my house. It's so.........indie? Haha. Like Hosanna of Wardrobeflux in a construction site, or Melody of Missingavenue at a barber shop- that kind of feel you know?
Yes, I'm referring to this shot. Really love it a lot, despite the unbecoming sight of laundry and my muscular-than-usual-looking thighs.
Okay you know what. I think I might be growing muscles on my thighs :/ I swear I used to have skinnier legs than these, or at least I used to think I have. Sheeesh.
And..... the reason why I don't don't smile. I look weird.
(Studded denim dress, Stylerally. CMYK Spike Lita in Black-Black, Jeffrey Campbell)
I took my CMYK Spike Lita out for a spin that day, and I must have hurt at least 3 people with the spikes. I felt so bad wearing these out that day, especially when I know I was headed somewhere crowded. I'm sorry Nadia, Sharin, Audrey and all the innocent strangers for killing you softly with my spikes. These spikes are no joke.
I need to get this dress fixed immediately. There are
wayyyy too much cloth hanging at the back of the dress. Fortunately, it doesn't show at the front. But when you look at me from the side, you'd think I got this off the Maternity department. Apart from that minor imperfection, I'm loving every single detail of this dress- from the studded front, to the slight flare skirt, to the loosely cinched waist.
Oh no, Monday's here again. Have a good week you guys!
I saw photos of you with teeth showing and I SWEAR THAT YOU LOOK EXTREMELY GORGEOUS! Please smile with your teeth because the way you are smiling now looks as thou you're not confident.
You really think so? Aww, thank you! I just find it a lil awkward to smile with my teeth when I'm taking outfit shots cause I'm taking the pictures alone. Usually, when I'm around friends, I take a fair amount of smiling with teeth and smiling with no teeth shots. That's a really nice thing to say my dear :) thank you <3